Ramp and soak temperature controller,Programmable digital Intelligent PID temperature controller
Main Features
1. Adopt digital calibration technology for input measurement with input measurement accuracy
0.2% F.S., non-linear calibration tables for standard thermocouples and RTDs are available in the
2. Adopt advanced AI artificial intelligence control algorithm, no overshoot and with the function of
auto tuning and self-adaptation.
3. Adopt advanced modular structure, conveniently providing plentiful output options, can satisfy the
requirements of various applications, and make quick delivery and conveniences the maintenance
of the instrument.
4. Friendly and customized operating interface leads to easy learning and simple manipulation.
Any parameter can be promoted to immediate operator access in Field Parameter Table or
password protected in Full Parameter Table.
5. With universal power supply of 100-240VAC or 24VDC and various installation dimensions for
users to choose.
6. High quality and performance hardware design, using high performance tantalum capacitor or
ceramic capacitor. Compared to competing models, it consumes less electricity, experiences
less temperature shifting, provides higher stability and reliability, and can work in a wider range of
7. ISO9001 and CE certified, complying with EMC requirement, achieving world class level of quality,
anti-interference ability and safety
Ordering Guide:
Programming and operation:
Programming of CHA series instrument has uniform format of temperature-time-temperature, which
means that temperature set for current StEP will change to temperature set for next StEP after the time
set for the current StEP. The unit of temperature set is ºC and the unit of time set is minute. The
following example includes 6 steps, which is linear temperature heating up, constant temperature,
linear temperature cooling down, jump cycling, ready, Hold and event output.
StEP1: C01=100 , t01=30 Start linear temperature heating up from 100ºC, and the time needed is 30
StEP2: C02=400 , t02=60 Raise temperature to 400ºC, slope of raising curve is 10ºC/minute, and the
time for temperature to remain constant is 60 minutes.
StEP3: C03=400 , t03=120
The StEP for temperature cooling down, slope of cooling curve is 2ºC
/minute, and the time needed is 120 minutes.
StEP4: C04=160 , t04=-35 Temperature cool down to 160 ºC , then alarm 1 is triggered, and the
program jump to StEP5.
StEP5: C05=160 , t05=0 The program get in Hold state, and run operation executed by operator is
needed for the program to continue running to StEP 6.
StEP6: C06=100 , t06=-151
Alarm 1 is switch off, and jump to StEP1 to start from beginning.In this example, it is assumed that the positive deviation alarm is set to 5 ºC . Because the
temperature of StEP 6 is 160ºC, and the temperature of StEP1 is 100ºC, when program jumps from
StEP 6 to StEP 1, the program will change to preparation state at first, i.e., Control the temperature
until the deviation between setpoint and PV is less than positive deviation alarm value. After
temperature is controlled to 105ºC, the program will be started from StEP 1, and run the above steps
again. The temperature control block is shown below.
Please contact our worker for details of operation manual.